Regions of Portugal

Regions of Portugal

Northern Region, a region that includes the districts of Viana do Castelo, Braga, Porto, Vila Real and Bragança, and the north of the district of Aveiro, Guarda and Viseu. It is bordered to the north and east by Spain, to the south by the Centro Region and to the west...
Aveiro, Portugal

Aveiro, Portugal

Aveiro The city of Aveiro is known as “The Venice of Portugal” due to the large number of canals, bridges, moliceiros, boats typical of the region and its Ria. It is a Portuguese city located on the west coast of Portugal, its boundary to the north is the district of...
Bragança, Portugal

Bragança, Portugal

Bragança Bragança is a Portuguese city located further north of Portugal, capital of the District of Bragança, in the region of Trás-os-Montes. Those who leave here, sooner or later, will want to return, a proverb attributed to the people of Bragança, which shows the...
Vila Real, Portugal

Vila Real, Portugal

Vila Real Vila Real is a city in Trás-os-Montes, capital of the Vila Real district, located in the Northern Region of Portugal, located on a plateau 450 meters above sea level on the right bank of the Corgo River. Vila Real is a historic city, founded in 1289 by King...
Braga, Portugal

Braga, Portugal

Braga Braga is one of the oldest cities in Europe founded in 16 BC as “Bracara Augusta” in honor of the Roman emperor Augustus. Located in the center of Minho, Braga is one of the main religious centers in Portugal, with 49 churches and chapels, it is...